
The Burbank Arts Beautification Program

The Burbank Arts Beautification Program is an initiative of the City of Burbank’s Cultural Arts Commission in partnership with the Parks and Recreation Department, and Public Works Department. As part of the Burbank Arts Beautification Program the goal of this project is to bring visual art out of museums and galleries, so everyone can enjoy it. Furthermore, the painting of these boxes is designed to encourage community pride and beautify the neighborhood. To that end, sixty-eight (68) utility boxes have been painted by talented artists who were inspired by the theme of: “Just Imagine”, “A World of Possibilities”, “A World of Entertainment”, “Celebrate Community”, “Memorable Moments”, “New Art on the Block”, and “Soaring.”

This program would not be possible without the support from the Art in Public Place Committee, as well as our generous sponsors. To find out information on future opportunities or how to get involved, please email us at

Phase 8 – “DiverseCITY”

Phase 8 Applications will be accepted through Friday, June 14 at 5:00pm.
Applications may be emailed to or submitted in person at the
Betsy Lueke Creative Arts Center
1100 W. Clark Ave.
Burbank, CA 91506


Interested in sponsoring a box for Phase 8?
Complete a Phase 8 Sponsorship Application and submit to!

Artists – Looking for Inspiration?
Watch our “Virtually Burbanksy: The Art of the Box” to learn how previous Burbank Beautification Program artists created their art on the most unusual of canvases!



Check out this video produced by the New York Film Academy – Los Angeles, California that highlights the success of the 2019 Burbank Arts Beautification Program.