Title: Antique Shimmer (painting of girl in black and white)
Artist: Vanessa Mombrun
Date: 7/26/2020
Size: 5 1/2 in X 8 1/2 in
Medium: Acrylic Paint and Iridescent
Description: When I showed it to my mother she said it looked antique so that’s why in the name I put antique and I used iridescent medium for the first time to make it shimmery and shine and it helped really add on to the detail of the painting. I think this painting is a little abstract and unique.
Image #2
Title: Look Forward Speech-(girl with mask and words in background)
Date: 5/3/2020
Size: 11 in X 14 in
Medium: Acrylic Paint and Marker
Description: In this painting part of a speech I wrote about looking forward is in the background. It’s mainly about how things may be different but we can look forward to our new beginnings. So we should stick together, have hope, smile, be positive, and we’ll make it through.
Image #3
Title: Petals-(girl with flowers and vibrant colored strokes)
Date: 8/12/2020
Size: 11 in X 14 in
Medium: Acrylic Paint
Description: To me the brush strokes remind me of flower petals and I painted the border with similar strokes and around the sides of the canvas too. The girl has vibrant colors and colorful flowers to go with her pretty features. I think this painting is vibrant and positive.