Trina Robinson-Kemie
Founder and Owner, Rock Star Dance Fitness in Burbank, CA
Founder, RS Confidence in Burbank, CA
Professional Dancer/Choreographer/Actress/Wellness Fitness Expert/Personal Coach/Entrepreneur
Newsletter: December 13 – December 26, 2017
Can you tell us a little bit about what you do?
I am the founder of Rock Star Dance Fitness, which offers a variety of dance and fitness classes with cultural diversity with authenticity, for all ages and levels (specifically Adult Dance Fitness). We try to bring culture, fitness, arts and fun together in a no judgment- ego free community; and positive environment. We offer Hip-Hop, Musical Theatre, Afro-Caribbean Grooves, Ballet, Cardio Kick Boxing, Pop Pilates, Yin Yoga, Tap, U-Jam, Zumba–and a variety of dance and fitness styles. There is no previous dance or fitness experience required here–you don’t have to be super fit or in shape.
How did you first become interested in dance?
It’s funny–I’ve been dancing since I was two years old in Miami, FL! In day care my mom put me in the dance studio, where I trained in ballet, jazz, tap, and gymnastics. When I was older I went to a performing arts high school, and learned more styles–Modern, African, Caribbean and Hip-Hop. Then I went to Point Park University in Pittsburgh, PA, where I majored in dance, with a jazz and theater concentration and received my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Dance . From there I went to New York City and got accepted to the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre Summer Intensive Program, where I trained as professional dancer in Modern Techniques, Contemporary, Jazz and Ballet and performance training. After the program I started working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor at some of the top corporate gyms in the country. I have always had an affinity for fitness, so I decided to become a personal trainer and learned to train people and help them accomplish their goals. I have been able to combine my professional dance and fitness instruction backgrounds and ultimately merged dance and fitness skills in an artistic way. I was able to work with the Moulin Rouge premiere at the Cannes Film Festival and started my own Can-Can workout, while also doing off-Broadway productions and teaching. After 9/11 I moved to California. I worked in marketing, business, sales, personal growth and development. I got married and had kids. After a while, I found that I had gained weight and had a lot of health problems–I felt like I was no longer myself. I decided that I had to make changes in my health, and told myself that one day I wanted to feel like a Rock Star. And that’s when I drew the logo. I want to help other people feel positive about themselves as an everyday person; for people to take care of their well-being so they can celebrate themselves. I also want other mothers out there to know that they can follow their passion, even if they have young kids like I did when I started. I know how it feels to be out of shape and over weight, and in a lot of pain, because I have been there too.
How do you think art can enrich our community, and what are some ways people can become engaged with art in Burbank?
By building great community together. There is a lot of commonality at Rock Star. People who come there appreciate the dancing, but also a lot of them are professional dancers, previous dancers or have always wanted to dance. There are students who want to learn how to teach others, as well. So I founded RS Confidence for people who want to perform and teach in an academy approach, but also be spiritually uplifted, trained and learn practical vocational skill sets and hands on training. It is about wellness, culture and performing arts. If people want to bring out their inner artist, we are here to help them develop those skills and give them a platform to do that. To put together productions where people can come and enjoy performing-arts -to bring people together, and give back to the community.
If you could share with our community one thing about art, what would it be?
Art is a lifeline to your sanity and mental, emotional and social wellness. You need art as a creative, emotional outlet–to bring a sense of well-being to your spirit in order to feel more in sync with your soul. I really feel like if people lose any type of art or creativity, it can drive them to insanity, because they are not able to have a place of sanctuary or refuge to express themselves. I used to watch the TV program Super Soul Sundays, and on one episode there was a guy who was diagnosed with brain cancer. They didn’t know what to do about it. Then he started listening to music, playing music, and painting. Every time he went back, it got smaller and smaller. He felt that being engaged with art killed it. Art is a way to help things not build up and metastasize. Not holding on to that anger or resentment–that gives you the energy to release that and use it in art as an outlet for creativity. It’s like a free medicine. If you get hooked there are no side effects–the side effects are that it’s free! Lastly, I am thrilled to announce the launch of our new nonprofit called RS Confidence. We are unveiling it at our holiday party this Saturday, December 16th from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The event is free and we’d love to see you there ~ Rock Star Dance & Fitness at 517 N.Glenoaks, Burbank, CA 91502. There will be special demos, live performances, prizes, raffles, health coaching and more.
To find out more about Trina’s work, visit http://rockstardancefitness.com/