Cesar Garcia
Library Assistant, Burbank Public Library
Can you tell us a little bit about what you do?
I work in the Marketing Department of the Burbank Public Library. We create all Library publicity and signage (print and digital), update the website, coordinate social media, create outreach items, record and edit videos, work the information services desk, and create original artwork and designs – to name a few of the things I do.
How did you first become interested in art?
I started very young, scribbling for fun with my dad on his large sketchbooks. In elementary school I would copy cartoon and comic book characters, and in middle and high schools I started learning more about different artists and styles, which I then tried to imitate. I truly have to thank Burbank schools for providing me with an incredible artistic education and the materials to create art. I’m also grateful for the art collection at the Library – ranging from books on anatomy and art history, to Leonardo Da Vinci and the great masters, to Norman Rockwell and advertising art, to illustrated graphic novels – books which allowed me to further expand on what I had learned in school and help develop my skill.
After college and a few years out of the art world, I received opportunities in my job at the library to redefine and professionalize my art, and so I ventured into graphic design.
In summation, I attribute my artistic foundation to my upbringing and life in Burbank.
How does art enrich a community, and what are some ways people can engage with art in Burbank?
As a result of public art in Burbank (utility boxes, sculptures, murals, library book drops) I have noticed the community engaging with the public art and their community a lot more, through social media activities but also by simply stopping to look at it. Simply having your art displayed, talked about, and shared with an audience is always a big boost for the artist. Burbank’s public art comes in all styles and artistic levels which I believe has a wider appeal to the community because the artists are members of the same community.
There are also many art contests and events in Burbank – especially for our youth – which are always a wonderful source of great support and inspiration for aspiring artists. These events are often well attended, and the prizes have great potential to be transformative in young artistic careers.
Growing up in Burbank I always wanted to be commissioned to paint a mural or create something which would be displayed for fellow Burbankers to see, and whenever I read about any public art contest it brings a smile to my face.
If you could share with our community one thing about art, what would it be?
Don’t underestimate the value of the fundamentals of art.
To find out more about Cesar and his work, visit the Burbank Public Library’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/burbankpubliclibrary.