Anna Kalachyan

Can you tell us a little bit about what you do?
I’m an artist based in Los Angeles who works across multiple disciplines and with different materials to bring my visions to life and tell a story. Lusanet collective is currently displaying my limited edition works and some small originals!

How did you first become interested in and involved with art?
I’m a fourth-generation artist so I was born into it! Art was always around me growing up and I was always encouraged by my family to engage in it.

How does art enrich a community, and what are some ways people can engage with art in Burbank?
Art is a great unifier and enriches communities by bringing people together. The best way to engage with art in Burbank is to check with the city and its initiatives to see what projects are ongoing that you might be interested in and how you can participate.

If you could share with our community one thing about art, what would it be?
Don’t ever be intimidated by art! Art is for everyone – make it yourself or go to your local galleries and art shows. It’s amazing what art can do for our mental space.

To find out more about Anna and her work, visit her instagram @annakalachyan or visit her website here.